騎呢遊學團|數英語大學 牛津最古老

大家都知道,英國有很多著名的學府,最為人知的,當然就是劍橋大學(University of Cambridge )和牛津大學(University of Oxford),這兩間舉世知名(world renowned)的學府通常被合稱為Oxbridge,今天就來為大家介紹一下牛津大學,說不定,未來你也會在這間大學進修。

牛津大學是英語世界中,最古老的大學,基本上現在也沒有一個確定的創立日子,根據文獻,最早的教學開始在十一世紀。(The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world, and is actually so ancient that its founding date is unknown - though it is thought that teaching took place there as early as the 11th century. )

牛津大學由三十八間學院組成,提供全面的學術課程,分別為人文學科;數學、物理及生命科學;醫學及社會科學。(The university is made up of a variety of institutions, including 38 constituent colleges and a full range of academic departments which are organised into four divisions:Humanities;Mathematical, Physical & Life Science;Medical Science;and Social Science.)

牛津大學本身就是一個城市,所以沒有一個主要的校園位置,而是分散在整個牛津市的不同地方。(Being a city university, it does not have a main campus and instead its buildings and facilities are scattered throughout the city centre.)

牛津大學名人畢業生(Notable Alumni)很多,如前美國總統比爾·克林頓 (Bill Clinton),前英國首相(也是史上第一名女首相)戴卓爾夫人 (Margaret Hilda Thatcher),前英國首相大衛·卡梅倫 (David Cameron),著名英國演員曉·格蘭特 (Hugh Grant),愛爾蘭作家、詩人、劇作家奧斯卡·王爾德 (Oscar Wilde),都是這名牌大學的畢業生。

●岑皓軒 騎呢領隊(畢業於英國Imperial College London,著有親子育兒書《辣媽潮爸哈哈B》及與馬漪楠合著暢銷書《Slang:屎爛英語1&2》等。)
