劃重點 | 對話胡定旭:盼香港與內地推疫苗互認

大公文匯全媒體新聞中心報道:全國政協十三屆四次會議已經接近尾聲, 並將在周三(10日)閉幕。全媒體新聞中心的駐京記者Liam Lee邀請到華昇診斷中心董事長、全國政協常委胡定旭接受獨家採訪。胡定旭如何評價中國的抗疫成就?作為政協委員的他這次又有什麼提議?對於香港的醫療科創產業,他又有什麼獨到見解?對於「愛國者治港」,胡定旭又是如何理解的呢?想了解更多,請去片。


Wrapping It Up | Two Sessions Frontline: What are Anthony Wu's proposals?

The fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body, has entered the closing stages.

Liam Lee, DotDotNews' correspondent in Beijing, invites Anthony WU, Chairman of Sunrise Diagnostic Center and member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee, for an exclusive interview. What does he think of China's anti-virus achievements? What are his proposals for this year's CPPCC session? What challenges are HK's medical and health-care industries facing? On "patriots governing HK", what does he have to share?Watch the video for his insights.